General Policy
Herein are the agreements and rules for a reserved date use of the facilities Listed Peer Brands Inc. or any affiliates and/or Hosts listed on the platform.
Facilities listed on the platform are private organizations and are governed by the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the National, State and Local organization, and the law of the city, county, and state. These laws include but are not limited to liquor laws and noise ordinances. They, therefore, must adhere to and require all patrons to adhere to certain codes of conduct during their usage of our facilities. The Guest sponsoring any event held at these private organizations must be present throughout the event in order to meet our liquor license requirements. In addition, at various locations, the host must be signed into the facility and must be present at the event.
1. The facilities will remain open to all members of the (local or otherwise) or patrons of the community during the scheduled event if not otherwise specified and secured as private.
2. No beverages, alcoholic or otherwise, are permitted to be brought onto the property of any facilities listed on the platform. No beverage of any kind may be taken from the building except to the enclosed patio area.
3. No illicit drug use will be permitted on the premises at any time. The use of marijuana is included in this prohibition, even when medically permitted. Any illicit drug use will be cause for termination of the event. No alcohol will be served to any underage person. Any attempt to purchase or consume alcohol while underage will be cause for termination of the event.
4. Event Peer’s Hosts and their facilities are adult venues.
No parties are permitted where 25% or more of the patronage will be under the age of 18. All children must always be supervised, and, if under 16, off the premises by 9:00 PM. No persons under 21 are permitted at the bar. Children are not permitted to play in the parking lot or kitchen areas. Any shuffleboard, dartboard, or other games, electronic or otherwise, are not available during event space rental times for the use of anyone under the age of 18. Chess, checkers and other board games are available but must be returned to their appropriate storage facility after usage.
5. If Pull tabs are available to guests and may not be played by anyone under the age of 18.
6. All persons working` at some event facilities are volunteers. Therefore, fees associated with compensation for the event falls under “Add-ons.”
While these event space listings are certainly not all-inclusive, it should provide an understanding of our expectations of you and your guests and the type of behavior that is acceptable within our Host environment. Any questions or comments should be directed to the Host regarding the facility and event planning process.
By placing an order to connect with your host, you hereby acknowledge that you’ve have read and understood the above conduct expectations. Further, understanding that if the conduct of yourself or your guests at the event you intend to host at any facilities listed on the platform should be unbecoming, I understand that the facility may end the event and waive my deposit. You hereby waive the Host and its facility from any liability or any damages