What is the start-up track?
Start-Up Track.
Peer Brands believes in providing an organic pathway for start-ups and understands that when starting, you might not make enough money to justify commissary prices or use. Therefore, Peer Brands requires a minimum of $200.00 bookable hours to initiate the connection to a commercial kitchen for you. Your business must be registered in the State in which you will operate, in order to connect to your Peer. Once your business is verified, an appointment will be scheduled for you to look and speak with the commercial kitchen owner (host). Upon approval from your host, an Affidavit of Commissary from your county will need to be filled out. Please bring a copy of the form filled out with your information. Once you received the filled-out Affidavit of Commissary from your host, upload a copy of the document onto the Peer Brands platform under the verification section and render a copy to the County in which you operate. After submitting your Affidavit of Commissary to the county, you must upload a copy of your food manufacturers license (Restaurant License, Catering Licenses, Mobile Unit License) onto the Peer Brands platform under the verification section.